Feb 14th – 17th, 2025
Countdown to Decepta Con!
Decepta Con IX Was A Success…
Stay Tuned for Info about Decepta Con X and See You All Then!
Feb 14th – 17th, 2025
Countdown to Decepta Con!
Decepta Con IX Was A Success…
Stay Tuned for Info about Decepta Con X and See You All Then!
Be ready to sign up for our special games, tournaments, and other events by checking out when everything is happening
Le Méridien Atlanta Perimeter
111 Perimeter Center W
Atlanta, GA 30346
Online purchasing of badges for Decepta Con X are available now!
Decepta Con is brought to you each year by Werewolf ATL. Werewolf ATL is an active community of Ultimate Werewolf players in the Atlanta area. We host events locally, so check us out at werewolfatl.com or on Facebook!
Werewolf ATL and the Decepta Con staff are gearing up for Decepta Con XI in 2026! Keep checking back for more details about Decepta Con XI and how we plan on gathering together again.
We continue to work hard to grow our social deception community and provide a place to play the latest games with your friends from next door and across the world! We hope to see all our werewolves, demons, villagers, townfolk, and event those pesky outsiders from all over the world back in ATL!
Purchase your badge today to gether with friends and play Ultimate Werewolf, Secret Hitler, Blood on the Clocktower, and many more deception based games.
Decepta Con X , the 10th Annual Decepta Con is officially underway! The hotel block has been locked in and the team are working behind the scenes to update the other elements of the Con!
You can reserve your hotel room now by going to: https://bit.ly/deceptaconx_hotel
Keep looking to us here and on our Facebook group for updates regarding Decepta Con X! We cannot wait to see you all again!
This year, Decepta Con will be doing things a bit differently. All Themed Games will move to a raffle for entry into the game with all proceeds going to charity. Make sure to bring some cash if you are wanting to play in one of the themed games we have this year like Speakeasy, All Specials Game, and other!
The cost for each raffle ticket will be listed at the merchandise table this year and available to be purchased that day from 12pm until 8pm. This way, all people that want to play won’t have to wait in a line and immediately not make the game if they are in the 31st position. You can purchase as many entries as you’d like to improve your chances. An hour before the game, the entries will be randomized and the list of players will be posted at the Registration Desk for viewing. Make sure to be at the doors for the game 15 minutes before the start time so the moderator can make sure everyone is present. If not present, they will move to the next people on the list.
As mentioned, all proceeds from this raffle will go to The Trevor Project (https://www.thetrevorproject.org) this year in support of our LGBTQ+ community. You can read about The Trevor Project at the link provided. If you would like to donate without gaining an entry into one of the game, that is absolutely possible. Just let the individual at the Registration Desk know that when you donate.
Thank you to all of our Werewolf ATL community! We cannot wait to see you all at Decepta Con. Grab your badges and hotel rooms soon!
Our exclusive Decepta Con 10th Anniversary merchandise is on sale in our store at https://werewolf-atl.printify.me.
We also have designed and released some Christmas themed roles that you can grab today by visiting: https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/christmas-werewolf.
Lastly, we will be introducing a limited edition 10th Annual Challenge Coin at Decepta Con 2025. You will only be able to grab one at Decepta Con! We hope to see you there!
The Volunteer Application for Decepta Con X has officially closed. If you missed out on applying to be a volunteer, you could email us at admin@werewolfatl.com to see if we still have shifts available.
Thank you to everyone that applied! We will be reviewing the submissions and reaching out to individuals in the coming months.
The Volunteer Application for Decepta Con X has been published.
These individuals are the reason why Decepta Con keeps being successful each year and how we manage to make this happen. Thank you to all that have volunteered in the past and for signing up for Decepta Con X!
If you are looking to become a storyteller for Blood on the Clocktower, a moderator for Ultimate Werewolf circles, or help with the Registration and Concession desk; you will want to complete the application process.
Not all applicants will be selected to become volunteers we are looking for people with experience either at a monthly meetup or at another convention. Once the Decepta Con team have reviewed the applicants, we will notify those that have been approved. Thank you!
We have published out Decepta Con IX survey. If you attended Decepta Con IX and would like to help us improved Decepta Con X by providing some feedback of your experience, please fill it out!
Be sure to thank all the amazing volunteers and staff for all their hard work to bring this experience to you. Werewolf ATL is blessed to have so much support as our community continues to grow!
For individual day badges to Decepta Con X
Enter Promo Code: DAILYBADGE
The Decepta Con team is working hard to build out this year’s schedule of gaming events! Make sure to get your badge today. Keep checking back here and on our Facebook group for updates. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at Decepta Con!
Check out this years schedule below for our official modded Ultimate Werewolf games, official modded Blood on the Clocktower games, Themed Werewolf games created and submitted by the community, Special Events and Tournaments. The Board Game library will be available during the hours the registration table is open.
Sign ups for all themed games and tournaments will take place 1 hour before the start time listed below. Please check in with the registration desk to locate the signup table.
Some games have sign ups held before Decepta Con, so visit the Werewolf ATL and Decepta Con Facebook groups for those and other announcements. We are looking forward to seeing you across the circle!
Stay Tuned for the
D*C X Schedule!
5:00pm EST:
Werewolf Circles Open
Official Modded Games
5:00pm EST:
Blood on the Clocktower
Official Modded Games
7:00pm EST:
(Sign-ups Required)
Heather & Devin Harris
9:30pm EST:
(Sign-ups Required)
Heather & Devin Harris
All Day (Signups Closed)
Survivor: Decepta Con
Joe Long & Patrick Hill
Stay Tuned for the
D*C X Schedule!
12:00pm EST:
Werewolf Circles Open
Official Modded Games
2:00pm EST:
World Championship Russian Roulette
Vinay Thomas
3:00pm EST:
Blood on the Clocktower
Official Modded Games
6:00pm EST:
One Night Werewolf Tournament
Werewolf ATL
7:00pm EST:
Squid Games WW
(Sign-ups Required)
John Coombs
9:30pm EST:
Agatha All Along WW
(Sign-ups Required)
Maya Vega & Emily Ramos
12:00am EST:
All Special’s Game WW
(Sign-ups Required)
Felix Adam
All Day (Signups Closed)
Survivor: Decepta Con
Joe Long & Patrick Hill
Stay Tuned for the
D*C X Schedule!
12:00pm EST:
Werewolf Circles Open
Official Modded Games
3:00pm EST:
Blood on the Clocktower
Official Modded Games
2:00pm EST:
Silver Amulet Tournament
Werewolf ALT
7:00pm EST:
Fallout TV WW
(Sign-ups Required)
Maya Vega & Emily Ramos
9:30pm EST:
Final Fantasy X WW
(Sign-ups Required)
Kevin Boulware
All Day (Signups Closed)
Survivor: Decepta Con
Joe Long & Patrick Hill
10:00pm EST:
Survival: Finale w/Audience
Joe Long & Patrick Hill
12:00am EST:
All Special’s Game WW
(Sign-ups Required)
Felix Adam
Stay Tuned for the
D*C X Schedule!
5:00pm EST:
All Gaming Circles Close
See you At Decepta Con XI!
Decepta Con will be located at the Le Méridien Atlanta Perimeter located at 111 Perimeter Center W, Atlanta, GA 30346. Rooms are available in the Decepta Con block for a limited time, so book your room!